Monday, February 2, 2015

Groundhog Day

I've been living the blogger's version of Groundhog Day, which is "Oh I should really blog today oh wait look a squirrel and it's time for dinner and good night see you tomorrow" Wash, rinse, repeat.

But I saw my shadow this morning so that means I'm back at it. GOOD DAY, SIR.

In case you think that blogging is the only neglected child in my life, I can assure you that it is not. Just ask the DVR. It is LOADED with dust. I am about 3 weeks behind on "Downton Abbey", a month behind on "About A Boy", ALL THE DAYS behind on the new (now complete) miniseries "Sons of Liberty" and that's not even counting what's on Netflix. I wish I could say that this First World Problem was a result of my Living Life Outside but it's mostly the result of School. Womp womp.

I did crawl out of the hole from which I have been learning to attend a FABULOUS Texas-themed party for my friend who is moving to Dallas in a few short hours. Beers were consumed, a Trivia Crack addiction was formed, and laughs were abundant.

Promises, promises...I will find my blogging mojo again soon. Maybe Punxsutawney Phil is hiding it.


1 comment:

  1. Jack gave me her netflix password and it has changed my life, but al the choices are overwhelming.
